Representation based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act
Name of business operator
Name of General Manager of Operations
Yoshiko Tomoe
Location of business operator
3-25-18 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
※There is no store
Phone number
As a general rule, we do not accept inquiries by phone, such as order method and delivery status.
Please contact us using the inquiry form or line official account.
* Based on the Act on Specific Commercial Transactions, if there is a request at the time of transaction, we will contact you by e-mail etc. without delay.
Email address
For inquiries, please use the inquiry form.
Sales price
Displayed on each product detail page
It will occur separately from the product price.
How to pay the price
Various credit cards
Sales quantity
The number of inventory listed on the product detail page is the sales quantity.
Delivery time of goods
We usually ship within 1-5 business days after order confirmation.
However, depending on the growth of plants and the import status of some products, the shipping time may be affected.
In that case, we will guide you on the product page, etc.
Special Refunds for Returns
We check at the time of shipment, but please understand the size of the seedling such as insect, insect eating, wound, pain, etc. Please note that we cannot accept exchanges or returns, such as in the case of steaming or length during delivery.
About inquiries
As a general rule, we ask you to make various inquiries on LINE.
The followingAdd a friendFrom the button, we would appreciate it if you could add a friend and contact us.